Get treatment for your mental healthcare needs.

Our Psychological Services

Initial Consultation

Your initial session will involve discussing the problems for which you are seeking assistance.  We will gather any background or relevant history that might be important in understanding the issues involved. We will begin to develop a plan to achieve your goals.

50 mins |  $185  


Follow up sessions will focus on how problems are interfering with your day to day life. We will identify the situations in which issues are most likely to occur and develop coping skills and other strategies to help manage problems. Initially, sessions are weekly to biweekly. Your specific situation will help determine the frequency and duration as well.

50 mins |  $155  

Schedule an appointment and learn how to manage the stress of parenting, relationships, job, and family more effectively. Explore the options and possibilities for your future. Begin to manage chronic problems with mood and anxiety.


Self Pay: Many prefer not to utilize their insurance. This allows for a more individualized approach, without others dictating how your care proceeds. Your records are not shared with a third party for the highest level of confidentiality.

Credit card, check, or cash accepted.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.